quinta-feira, 19 de fevereiro de 2015

Peter Molyneux's Vows of Silence

There is an Interview with Peter Molyneux on The Guardian, Talking with the Designer about the Uproar over the Failed Promises of "Godus". The Thrust of this, is his Noted Habit of Letting his Mouth Write Checks that, his Games Cannot Cash, which has Become a Thornier Issue Now that, it Involves Directly Disappointing Crowdfunding Backers. He Explains Some of the Project's Failings, including the Lack of Reward for the Winner of the Curiosity "Game", Saying: "The problem we have is we can’t start his reign as God of Gods until we implement the technology that allows him to have influence over people’s worlds and crucially allows him to be challenged in competitive games of Godus and as people have pointed out we have to add combat to Godus still". He Concludes Telling them the Interview would be his Last. Imagine their Surprise When they Discovered he Said the Same Thing to Rock, Paper, Shotgun and they Say, they Hear he did Another Interview after Theirs. The RPS Interview, meanwhile, Takes a Contentious, if Not Hostile Tone, Starting with the Question, "Do you think that you’re a pathological liar ?". The Site is Hosed right now but, the Article Can be Read through a Cache. For the Record, here's his Answer to the Liar Question: "I’m not aware of a single lie, actually. I’m aware of me saying things and because of circumstances often outside of our control those things don’t come to pass but, I don’t think that’s called lying, is it ? I don’t think I’ve ever knowingly lied, at all. And if you want to call me on one I’ll talk about it for sure". They Proceed to Call him Out on a Variety of Statements in a Very Uncomfortable Conversation.

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