segunda-feira, 27 de abril de 2015

Police Can Spot Differences Between Identical Twins, by Melting DNA

Believe it or Not, Police Have a Real Problem with Identifying Suspects Who are Identical Twins -- Unless you're Willing to Spend a Month Sequencing Genes, DNA Samples are All but, Useless. They May be Far More Effective in the Future, though, as British Researchers Have Developed a Technique that Melts DNA to Identify What Few Differences Exist. The Team has Determined that Heating Genes will Break Hydrogen Bonds that Form, Due to a Person's Environment and Habits.

Unless the Twins Live Eerily Similar Lives, those Bonds will Snap at Different Temperature Points and Quickly Identify Who's Who. The Technique Requires a Relatively Large Sample so, it Wouldn't Work if there's just a Scant Amount of DNA at a Crime Scene. However, it Should Only Take a Few Hours to Get a Result. So Long as the Technology Reaches the Field, Law Enforcement would Have a Relatively Easy Time Determining the Evil Twin (and Exonerating the Good One, of Course) while the Accusations are still Fresh.

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