quinta-feira, 25 de setembro de 2014

"Steam Music Player" Does Exactly What it Sounds Like

VALVe's Game Distribution Service has been Going through a Lot of Small Changes Recently: Not Only has Steam been Given a Fresh Coat of Paint and a Completely Redesigned Storefront but Now, it Plays Music, too. This Isn't a Total Surprise, of Course -- VALVe has been Testing Music Playback for Months and Even Rolled the Feature Out to Beta Users Over the Summer -- but Now, "Steam Music Player" is Available to Anyone Running the Latest Version of the Client. It's a Pretty Simple Addition, too: Steam Scrubs your PC's Common (or Manually Defined) Music Folders for MP3s and Well, Plays them. It does Get a Little More Complex -- the Music Player is Accessible in the Client's Game Overlay, which Means you Can Control and Play Music without Alt-Tabbing Back to the Desktop.

It also Offers an Easy Way to Listen to Soundtracks of Supported Games but, this Part of the Experience is a Little Clunky: since Steam Offers Soundtracks as Game DLC, it Appears that Most of the Service's Music Can't be Downloaded Separately from the Game itself. If Portal 2 Isn't Installed, Neither is the Game's Music. Need Some Music to Test it Out with ? VALVe at least has you Covered here: Half-Life, Half-Life 2 and Both Portal Games are 75% Off in Celebration of the New Feature and All of those Games Come with Free Soundtrack DLC. Neat.

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