sexta-feira, 9 de janeiro de 2015

Apple Store Sales Rose 50% in 2014 to Around $15 Billion

For Every Dollar Spent in the App Store, Apple Gets 30 Cents. It’s a Simple Fact but, One Worth Remembering Today, as Apple Announces Record Sales Figures for the App Store. The Company Says that, Billings Rose 50% in 2014 with Developers Taking More than $10 Billion in Revenue from Apps and In-App Purchases throughout the Year. Only 8 Days into 2015 and the App Store has Broken 2 More Records: the Single Biggest Day Ever on New Year’s Day and its Best Week Ever — with Nearly Half a Billion Dollars Spent in the First 7 Days of January. This Means that, Last Year the App Store Saw Total Sales of around $15 Billion (it was $10 Billion in 2013) of which Apple Took Home Some $4.5 Billion.

As the WSJ Points Out, this is Only a Small Portion of the Company's Annual Sales of $183 Billion Sales but, it's Huge Compared to the Costs of Running the App Store — Meaning it's still a "Meaningful Contributor" to the Company's Profits. Apple has Released these New App Store Figures alongside a Lengthy Appraisal of its Contribution to the US Economy. The Company Claims to Have "Created or Supported" More than 1 Million Jobs in America, with just under 2/3rds of these "Attributable to the iOS Ecosystem". The Remaining 3rd is Split between Jobs at Companies that Have "Resulted" from Apple's Spending and Growth (334,000) and Jobs Directly Created by Apple — including Engineers, Tech Support and Retail Staff (Some 66,000 Employees Altogether).

Info Sources:

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