sexta-feira, 11 de julho de 2014

Samsung Accused of Using Child Labor in China to Meet Demand

China Labor Watch Have Alleged that, Samsung Hired Children and Underage Student Workers at Supplier Shinyang Electronics in Dongguan to Meet Production Targets during a Period of High Demand. Although there is Currently No Confirmation of an Active Investigation by the Authorities, Samsung Said in a Statement that No Child Labor was Found by an External Audit of about 100 Chinese Suppliers; their Audit also Found that, 55 of the Suppliers Didn't Provide Safety Equipment to Employees and that Excessive Hours were Common Place.. A New York Based Watchdog Found that, the Underage Workers were Required to Work for 11 Hours a Day without Overtime Pay or Social Insurance. This Follows What Could be Considered a Bad Week for Samsung, after their Brazil Plant was Robbed of $36m in Electronics Equipment and their Revision of the 2nd Quarter Earnings which Saw a 25% Drop in Profit on Last Years Figures for the Same Period.

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