We've Seen Quite a Bit of Game Streaming on PlayStation-Branded Products but, it Looks like Sony will Gain Some Possibly Unexpected Competition. In Japan, at least. When Nintendo 3DS Owners in the Region Play, Dragon Quest X Online (DQXO), Come its September 4 Launch, they Won't be Popping a Cartridge into the System. No, like the Massively Multiplayer Online (MMO) Game's Mobile Version, DQXO on Nintendo's Handheld will Use Streaming Technology along the Lines of PlayStation Now or OnLive instead of Playing from a Local Cart or Internal Storage. As Tiny Cartridge Reports, you Won't be Able to Play in 3D as a Result and you'll Constantly Need a Wi-Fi Connection to Access the Game -- Considering that, this is an MMO, that Should be Expected Anyway. However, if you'd Rather Lay Down your Cash for a Physical Bit of DQ Gear instead, well, there's Always this Metal Slime Smartphone.
Info Sources:
quinta-feira, 10 de julho de 2014
Nintendo's 3DS Gets its 1st Streaming Game, this September
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