quarta-feira, 16 de julho de 2014

Google Now Tells You How Much Your Bitcoin is Worth

Let's Assume that you've just Spent More than $200,000 on Some of Russ Ulbricht's Bitcoin Fortune -- but, What do you do with it Now ? If it were us, we'd Sit on our Couch, Constantly Referencing Coindesk to Find Out How Much our Stash had Gained (or Lost) Across the Day. If, however, you'd Prefer to Source your Information via Search Engine, then Google's Now Offering Live Currency Conversions for the Cryptocurrency. Like the States and Nations that Took their Time to Take a Stance on Bitcoin, Google's Taken its Time to Add the Feature, which has been Available on Bing for the Better Part of 5 Months. Or, if the Idea of Sitting at Home Watching your Cash, Doesn't Feel like Fun, you Could Always Sponsor an NCAA Game.

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