segunda-feira, 23 de novembro de 2015 Website is Not the Official Site for the Future Project but, my Personal Website

Hello people, here’s »XoZZeN«’s Founder, Vasco ‘Nrk?t!x’ Bruno, speaking…

I wanna give you a precise information about what you see today on website is that, that won’t be the official site for »XoZZeN« 10-year project but, my personal website. The future website will be under a new model of a website, never done today, which will bring a new vision and expectations of what a “service website” may be and function in the years to come. »XoZZeN« mainly is a mix of a services / desktop / OS / repository of all sorts of well-organized medias, in the cloud and so, this will bring something really new to our days of internet life. I normally call this project,“Web 2.0” or a “machine”-like system, which will bring a lot of transformations in society, to make it, digitally and automatized-dependent, where the future will be about everything that is autonomous, free and easy of use and totally controlled by machines / robots / cybernetic A.I. / human employees, under our main interest, to be able to survive beyond the world-crisis we’re living in today.

Expect a trully revolutionary website, which will change the mentality business of almost all players in the enterprise companies, services, etc…that you can imagine. This is a complete reformulation of how the society will work in the future years and after that, humanity will have a bright future ahead of it. »XOZZEN« WILL LAUNCH IN THE EARLY MONTHS OF 2016. Expect it with sufficiently hope and confidence of a site that, is mainly developed under the idea to change people’s life for all eternity.

Thank you for all your attention, enjoy the fun and continue reading our/my blog’s best technology news, in’s “Nrk9t1x Blog”. Stay good fellas ! 😉

PS: To demonstrate that I’m not lying that, this will be my main personal official site, the domains are redireccioned to at the moment, where will be then changed to the new site being developed mainly for it.

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