terça-feira, 17 de fevereiro de 2015

'DOOM' Selfie Mod, Lets You Indulge Your Ego while Slaying Demons

Like it or Not, Selfies in Games are Officially a "Thing" -- and they're Now Invading Classic Titles like 'DOOM'. Linguica's New InstaDoom Mod, Lets you Spin the Virtual Camera Around to Take a Shot of your 'DOOM' (or DOOM II) Marine, Complete with Instagram-Like Filters and the Seemingly Inescapable Selfie Stick. Yes, you Can Now Show your Friends that, you've Killed a Spiderdemon by Striking an Obnoxious Oose over its Body. Is this a Novelty ? You Bet. Still, it's Fun to See a Decades-Old Shooter Make a Commentary on the Modern Obsession with Narcissistic Photos.

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