sábado, 13 de dezembro de 2014

VIDEO: Google's New YouTube Show, Reaches Out to iOS Developers

Despite the Ongoing Battle between Android and iOS, the Truth is you're Likely Loading Up Google Services on it, Either Way. Maps, Gmail, YouTube, Drive -- Take your Pick, as Homescreen.is Shows (Generated Based on the Most Popular Apps among @XoZeN Twitter Followers), they're Popular. Now, Google has a New Webseries Devoted just to iOS Developers (to Go Along with its Community Efforts for Everyone Busy Making Android Apps) but, as the 1st Entry Demonstrates, Getting the Dialogue Started, Can be a Little Awkward on the Mountain View Campus. Google has its Reasons for Pulling iOS Developers Deeper into the Fold including Cross Platform Gaming and Wireless File Sharing so, we Won't Hold our Breath Expecting to See a Similar Move from Apple, Anytime Soon.

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