quinta-feira, 7 de agosto de 2014

VIDEO: Filmmakers Turn to Kickstarter to Finish their "Power Glove" Documentary

Controlling a Computer with Gestures is Almost Passé these Days but, How Quickly we Forget that Nintendo and Mattel Released a Kooky Gadget that Basically Let People do just that Back in 1989. Now, a New Kickstarter Project Aims to Revisit that Most Maligned of Wearables: the "Power Glove". Yeah, we Know, it's so Bad...but, that Didn't Stop a Trio of Filmmakers from Tracing the Thing's Trajectory from Christmas Must-Have to Disappointing Punchline to Cultural Touchstone to Repurposed Creative Tool. The Documentary -- Lovingly Titled, "The Power of Glove" -- has Already been in the Works for Over a Year and there's Plenty to Show for it in the Team's Trailer (Check it Out After the Jump). All they Need to Bring the Project Home Now is Another $15,000 to Complete the Final Round of Interviews and Assemble the Finished Product, a Process they Hope to Power through Before the End of Next Year.

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