sexta-feira, 8 de agosto de 2014 Announces its Closure

On Tuesday,, the Video Streaming Service that Created the Popular Gaming Video Website, Twitch, Announced its Closure Effective Immediately. Visitors to Either the Main Site or Any of its Subchannels are Now Redirected to a Goodbye Message Announcing that, "the website, mobile apps and APIs are no longer in service". Following that Announcement is a Q&A about the Closure and the 1st Question — "Why ?" — Dances Around the Answer. The FAQ Indirectly Blames the Popularity of Twitch: "Unfortunately that means we need to shut down".  Such an Answer Only Fuels Recent Rumors and Reports that Have All but, Confirmed that, YouTube will Soon Acquire Twitch for $2 Billion.

Should that Happen, Today's News Hints at Twitch's Services Remaining Largely Unchanged, as Users are Advised to Transfer their Account to Twitch by September 5, 2014. (Paid Users Have already Had their Accounts Converted to Similar Services on Twitch.) As of Press Time,'s Main Blog Hadn't been Updated to Reflect this News; its Last Post, Dated May 29, was an Announcement that its Live-Video Archives would be Deleted on June 15. Launched in 2007 to Allow Users to Stream their Own Webcam, Computer and Television Feeds over the Web Well before YouTube Allowed its Own Users to do so. It Reached a Notorious Level of Popularity Thanks to its Users Streaming Live Sports Feeds Across the World but, it Eventually Became so Overwhelmed by Game-Streaming Users that it Created a Subsite in 2011,, so Gamers could Gather in One Place.

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