quarta-feira, 25 de junho de 2014

"Google Drive for Business", Now Offers Unlimited Storage for $10 per Month, per User

You Didn't Think we'd Go Through the Whole Keynote without a Little "Google Drive" Love do you ? To Celebrate an Impressive 190-Million "Drive" Users (that's Active within the Last 30 Days), Google has just Added a More Compelling "Drive for Work" Proposition -- Unlimited Storage for just $10 per Month, per User. It's Not just the Price that's Better, there's a Few Key Updates that Got Some Stage Time too. One is that, Users Can Now Encrypt Data within "Drive". As for Creating Documents of your Own, that's Getting More Seamless too. In the Past, When you Worked on a Word Document, it would be Converted to a Doc File, Now it's All Handled Natively within "Google Drive" (of which Docs is Now Part, of Course) and a Native Word file is Only Created as and When you Need to Send it on to Users over Email, etc. Sundar Pichai Made a Big Noise on Stage at I/O about the Number of Corporates and Universities that were Going "All Google", Could this be Enough for you to Go All Green in the Office too ?

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